Assistive Technology Seminar Is Project For Eagle Scout
Marquette - 01/12/12 - St. Michael's Parish Center will host a seminar presented by the United Cerebral Palsey of Michigan. Ross W. Johnson, working...
Marquette Library Giving Out Free CDs From Grammy Winner
Marquette - 01/09/12 - In anticipation of the arrival of two-time Grammy Award winning children’s musician, storyteller and author, Bill Harley to Marquette, the Peter...
Cats and Dogs Are A Joy In the U.P.
Negaunee - I live with dog lovers. The dogs bring a lot of joy to our family.
Especially the one that chases his...
Sunny 101.9 WKQS Song of the Day (New Music) — Thursday, December 1, 2011
Sunny 101.9 WKQS New Music Adds.
SafetySuit's "Let Go".
Marquette, Michigan -- We're starting off the first day of December on Sunny 101.9 WKQS with brand...
MGH Receives Thomson Reuters TOP 50
Marquette - For heart surgeon Dr. Douglas Baldwin, time means life – literally.
“Time is of the essence with a heart attack,” said Baldwin, Marquette...
Winner Announced for Ladies Night Gift Basket
Marquette - 11/29/2011 - Jackie Gallagher of Marquette was recently selected as the winner of the gift basket from the annual Ladies Night on...
Sunny 101.9 WKQS Song of the Day (New Music) — Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Sunny 101.9 WKQS Music Adds.
Florence and the Machine's "Shake It Out".
Marquette, Michigan --Your Sunny 101.9 WKQS Song of the Day for this Wednesday is...
Marquette Township Tree Lighting Ceremony — Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Join Sunny 101.9's Doctor Don at the Westwood Mall!
Doctor Don will be live from 4:30pm to 6:30pm this afternoon!
Marquette, Michigan -- This evening Marquette...
Sunny 101.9 WKQS Song of the Day (New Music) — Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Sunny 101.9 WKQS Music Adds.
Adele's "Set Fire to the Rain"
Marquette, Michigan -- Your Sunny 101.9 WKQS Song of the Day for this Tuesday is...
NMU Performing Arts Series Schedules Digging Roots
Marquette - The Canadian Anishinaabeg blues group Digging Roots will perform at 7:30 p.m. Friday, Nov. 11, in Peterson Auditorium at Ishpeming High School....