Home Dee Dee Health Tip – Feb. 3 – Laryngitis Remedies

Health Tip – Feb. 3 – Laryngitis Remedies


Laryngitis is inflammation of the larynx – your “voice box.” If you have laryngitis, you have lost your voice. It can result from a viral or a bacterial infection. Laryngitis may also occur during bronchitis, influenza, measles, pneumonia, and whooping cough, or because of overuse of the voice or exposure to allergies. The infection or irritation causes the vocal cords to swell, resulting in hoarseness and loss of voice.

Home remedies include inhaling steam, drinking hot tea with lemon and honey, sipping warm brandy and gargling with warm salt water. The best remedy, however, is resting your voice. Avoid trying to clear your throat. Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated. Also, refrain from smoking or being around second-hand smoke.

Laryngitis can last for a few hours or a few days. If you have persistent laryngitis, see your doctor as this can be an indication of a more serious condition.


  1. I do not drink or smoke. I have gotten nodules on my vocal chords before but they have gone away by themselves. I have acid reflux and was taking omeprazole and pantoprazole and I found out both these medications cause swelling, loss of voice and laryngitis, so I stopped taking them, but then the acid reflux acts up now, so I am taking tums. I have been on omeprazole for over 2 1/2 years and was taking pantoprazole for about 3 weeks when I took the pantoprazole my voice was so bad, it was then I discovered the side effects of both these acid reflux meds. Is there some food I could eat that would help with the acid reflux when it flares up, like yogurt or drink milk something???? Also I’ve read about gargling with salt water, drink hot tea(I don’t like tea tho) and lemon and honey added to it and inhaling steam. There was something about marshmellow or peppermint or gargle with chamomile, or sage or blackberry. What do you think, I have had this vocal chord problem, laryngitis for over 2 1/2 years and I am tired of it.


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