Home On-Air Workday Wind Down How I Stayed Hydrated this Weekend

How I Stayed Hydrated this Weekend

Gerolsteiner Mineral Water to Help me Drink more Fluids
The full case of Gerolsteiner my wife Cori ordered!

Marquette, MI – Working out in the yard this weekend made me thirsty.  Even though it was only 50 degrees or so, I still built up a good sweat doing yard work.  Drinking regular tap water can be a little boring, and doesn’t always taste the best…

So, my lovely wife Cori ordered a case of our favorite Mineral Water.  Gerolsteiner is incredible stuff.  It’s from the Volcanic Eifel region in Germany where they’ve been sharing their delicious product since 1888!   Tobi, our German exchange student said they drank it all the time in Berlin.  To him it was just “Normal Water” (Note the Teenager Tone)…  But it’s something special to me.

It’s fizzy and packed full of flavor and minerals.  Once I crack open a bottle, I just can’t put it down and Cori is the same way.  Not only is this good for our hydration, but it’s carb, sugar, and calorie free!

If you don’t drink enough H2O, try some sparkling water to spice it up and give your body the liquid it needs.

Hmm… I wonder if I could make coffee with it??? :D



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