Home Dee Dee Health Tip – Aug. 3 – Healthy Snacking

Health Tip – Aug. 3 – Healthy Snacking


Healthy snacking doesn’t mean depriving your taste buds. Try these palate-pleasing snack ideas that are healthful and delicious – and won’t wreak havoc on your weight goals:

  1. Seasonal fruit with good-quality yogurt and freshly ground flaxseed
  2. Popped Corn. It provides a good amount of fiber and is low in calories. Avoid the added chemicals in microwave popcorn and air pop your own (or pop in a small amount of canola oil) and season with tamari, nutritional yeast and garlic powder – delicious!
  3. Whole-grain crackers with a small piece of cheese or some smoked salmon
  4. A small handful of lightly roasted nuts
  5. Toasted whole wheat pita and hummus
  6. A hardboiled egg (look for omega 3-enriched eggs for added nutritional value) sprinkled with smoked paprika (replace the yolk with hummus for a new twist)
  7. Fresh vegetables with high-quality yogurt – add fresh herbs and seasonings for more flavor
  8. A peanut butter (use natural, non-hydrogenated varieties) sandwich on whole grain bread


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