Terri Lynn Land, New Republican National Committee Michigan Committeewoman Visits Marquette County

    Terri Lynn Land

    MARQUETTE, MI – (Great Lakes Radio News) –  Michigan’s former Secretary of State, Terri Lynn Land, who was recently selected as National Michigan Committeewoman for the Republican National Committee visited the Great Lakes Radio studios this morning to chat with News Director Walt Lindala.

    Land said because of the great support she received from Upper Michigan at the State Convention in May, she thought she would take a trip up to see everyone and say thank you.

    Land also discussed the upcoming elections in both August for the primary and in November for the general election.  She explained her strategy for keeping the State of Michigan as a viable player in national economic restructuring plans if Republicans win the White House and a majority in the House and Senate.

    She encouraged all listeners to contact her at her website or on Twitter or Facebook to keep her aware of issues and concerns as she serves in her new position.

    To listen to the interview with Terri Lynn Land, please click on the audio link provided below:


    To visit her facebook site, please click “HERE“.


    1. Hi…I was at the Alpena tea party meeting last night and heard you speak. I liked what I heard until you started promoting Pete Hoestra. Number 1, I will not vote for Pete. I don’t like his voting record and I asked him on Greg Marshall’s program about term limits. He said he would let the people decide on that. If we had term limits, we wouldn’t have had to put up with Levin and Debbie so long. They get in just because people vote straight democrat and they ride on the coattails of the democratic party. With your new job, I feel you are working for all of the Republican party and should not be promoting a candidate until after the primary. I also heard other comments to this effect.

      Becky Sommerfield


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