Home The Sunny Morning Show Kris The Sunny Morning Show Shenanigans

The Sunny Morning Show Shenanigans


Marquette, Mi. May 8, 2018

Walt Lindala & Kris Kyro

Are there shenanigans on the Sunny Morning Show? What is a shenanigan? A shenanigan is described as silly or high spirited behavior.

Are there shenanigans on the Sunny Morning Show?

Yes, with more to come.

One of the reasons I love the business of radio is because it’s current, it’s always available, and it goes everywhere you go. Some of the best times at the lake, or the camp, or at a friends house include the soothing sounds of music in the background, and friendly familiar voices keeping you company.

Everyone has responsibilities, jobs, family and more to tend to on a daily basis. The daily grind is a recognized phrase by everyone and there is a reason for that! Which brings me back to why I love radio…

I believe there should be a place we can all go to where we can just relax and be ourselves, not worry about what has to be done now or tomorrow, and just stop.

To sit and listen to something you enjoy is one of the simple pleasures of life.

Take a moment, tune into the Sunny Morning Show with Walt and Kris, and kick back. All you have to do is listen….

There may be shenanigans, but that’s part of the fun.

The Sunny Morning Show on Sunny FM with Walt and Kris Weekday Mornings from 6-10



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