Local Radio Talk Show Celebrates 1st Anniversary And Expands Time Slot

    Dan Adamini In The Right Mind
    Dan Adamini from “In The Right Mind”.

    MARQUETTE, MI – (Great Lakes Radio) – Dan Adamini, host of  “In The Right Mind” on Great Lakes Radio joined The SUNNY Morning Show with Walt & Mike today to mark a milestone passed by his show.

    Adamini stopped in to commemorate one year on the air and to tell listeners his show was expanding to two hours starting this weekend.

    The show will now run from 9:00 am to 11:00 am on Saturdays on SUNNY 101.9 and will still feature all of the elements of the one-hour show including parody songs rants, interviews and listener call-ins.

    Adamini says he hopes the expansion of the show will increase the listener call-ins and he encouraged everyone to give a listen and let their opinions be known with a quick call.

    LISTEN – Dan Adamini on his newly-expanded “In The Right Mind” radio show.


    1. This is from “Long history of US school shootings means Obama is right, NRA is wrong,” (Christian Science Monitor by Jack Schneider/January 16, 2013; Worcester, Mass.)

      “But even as more attention has been drawn to such (shooting) incidents, many continue to believe that firearms are not the problem. Why? Because Americans live in a nation with a celebrated gun myth — a largely invented history of heroism, rather than murder, that is steadily renewed by groups like the National Rifle Association.”

      “In school or out, however, scholars have shown: Guns make violence more deadly. According to the Harvard Injury Control Research Center, there is substantial evidence that more guns means more murders. And economist Richard Florida has presented compelling evidence that states with tighter gun-control laws have fewer gun-related deaths. Yet public opinion has largely slid in the wrong direction. According to Gallup, 78 percent of Americans polled in 1990 favored stricter gun laws — a figure that declined to 62 percent in 2000 and 44 percent in 2010, though it rose back up to 58 percent in late December, following the Sandy Hook shooting.”

      It is not a myth, GUNS KILL! http://onemillionmomsforguncontrol.org


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