Home Featured Posts The Sunny Morning Show Governor Gretchen Whitmer Outlines Plan To Lift COVID-19 Restrictions In Michigan

Governor Gretchen Whitmer Outlines Plan To Lift COVID-19 Restrictions In Michigan

Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer

Marquette, MIApril 29, 2021 Governor Gretchen Whitmer has defined a plan to roll back COVID-19 restrictions based on the percentage of Michigan’s adult population that is vaccinated.

Whitmer spoke about the main points of the plan, and the metrics it will follow, at a press conference in Lansing today.

Under the plan, two weeks after 55% of Michiganders over 16 get one dose, in-person work will be allowed in all business sectors. Two weeks after 60% of Michiganders get at least one dose, indoor capacity at sports stadiums, conference centers, banquet halls and funeral homes will increase to 25%; gym capacity will increase to 50%; and bars and restaurants will no longer be required to close early.

Two weeks after 65% of Michiganders get at least one dose, all indoor capacity limits will be lifted, but social distancing between parties will be maintained. Limits on residential social gatherings will also be relaxed. Two weeks after 70% get at least one dose, the gatherings and face mask order will be lifted.

Currently, just under 36% of Michiganders are fully vaccinated and just under 49% have received one dose.

-mediaBrew Communications News




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