Home Local Schools Negaunee Miners Negaunee Miner Girls Destroy Basketball Season Opener Against The Manistique Emeralds

Negaunee Miner Girls Destroy Basketball Season Opener Against The Manistique Emeralds


Manistique, MiNovember 29th, 2022– Tuesday night, Carl Leander Johnson announced for the Neguaunee Miner’s Girls Basketball match against The Manistique Emeralds on Sunny 101.9! Fans of both teams were excited to see how the girls shaped up without last season’s seniors.

The first quarter moved fast, in less than a minute Jenaya Reque-Gourdeau scored, giving the Emeralds a starting lead of two. Aubrey Johnson of the Negaunee Miners followed evening the score. The two teams were aggressive, Aubrey ended up scoring four more points, Ella Mason scored five and Clare O’ Donnell scored four. The Miners were able to score a lead of 12 for the end of the first quarter. 4-16

Both teams maintained similar levels of intensity the second quarter, leaving the score stagnant for a majority of the end of the half. Ella Mason scored five points, and Nardi followed shortly after with two three point shots. Cooper Atkins also scored for the Miners bringing the score to 30-9 for the first half with Negaunee in the lead.

The Negaunee Miners refused to lose in the third quarter, reaching 35 points within the first two minutes of the quarter. Ella Mason was able to score six points alone in the quarter, Cooper Adkins scored a three-pointer as well. The Miners continued to score with little rebuttal from the Emeralds, bringing the score to 53-14.

The Fourth quarter was extremely action-packed, Manistique made it past 20 points, which paled in comparison to Negaunee’s 40 point lead on Manistique. To say the least, this was an amazing opening game for the Miners. Ella Mason lead the way with 23 points, Cooper Adkins had 11, Grace Nardi and Aubrey Johnson both scored 10 points as well. The Negaunee Miners started off their season great with a score of 63-20.




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