Household Appliance, Furniture, and Mattress Gallery Holds Art Van Blowout Sale

    The showroom is full of discounts that you don't want to miss.
    The showroom is full of discounts that you don’t want to miss.

    Marquette, MIJune 6, 2020Household Appliance, Furniture, and Mattress Gallery was busy on Saturday afternoon as their Inventory Liquidation Sale was in full swing.  With Art Van on the way out, mattresses, living room sets, dining room sets, and bedroom furniture were all available at incredible prices!  With all the activity, Mark Evans couldn’t resist going down to the store to see the deals for himself.

    Mark talked with a few people over the course of his broadcast about the different items that have been discounted since Art Van moved on.  Store Manager Katie Norman, Mark’s first guest, also went over the various social distancing measures in place for customers shopping at Household Appliance.  Mark highlighted a few of the specific deals available in the store, and it seemed like every time he took a walk around the showroom, one of the items he had mentioned had been sold!

    Mark wrapped things up by telling the listeners to come down and take advantage of the amazing deals.  Since the discounts only last while the supply of Art Van products does, Mark said that you should get down to Household Appliance, Furniture, and Mattress Gallery sooner rather than later.

    Listen to segments of the broadcast below:

    Mark invites listeners down to Household Appliance, Furniture, and Mattress Gallery

    Mark talks with store manager Katie Norman about how quickly the Art Van inventory is being bought

    Katie tells Mark about the social distancing measures in place at Household Appliance

    Mark talks about how busy Household Appliance has been

    Katie again joins Mark to discuss some of the deals available

    The recliners in the showroom are being sold faster than they can be re-stocked

    Come on down and take advantage of the low prices

    There are some great deals on almost everything

    Mark signs off from Household Appliance, Furniture, and Mattress Gallery



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