Senator Carl Levin “Optimistic” After Russian Involvement In Syria

    Carl Levin - Walt Lindala - WKQS FM - (906) 228-6800
    U.S. Senator Carl Levin (D-Detroit) and News Director Walt Lindala

    Marquette, MI – (Great Lakes Radio News) – Michigan’s Senior U.S. senator Carl Levin says the latest development that Russia has proposed that Syria place its chemical weapons under international control and abide by the terms of the Chemical Weapons Convention has him cautiously optimistic.

    Levin, chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, called in today to The SUNNY Morning Show with Walt & Mike to discuss the latest developments with the Syria issue.

    Levin says it’s long overdue that Russia weigh in to get its client state to give up its chemical weapons and abide by international law. He added that if Russia is serious, and not just helping Syria stall, it could make a difference.

    But Levin added that should not get our hopes up too high given Syria’s past behavior and Russia’s lockstep support for Syria with weapons and with its United Nations veto.

    LISTEN IN – US Senator Carl Levin discusses the latest in Syria debate.

    VISIT – Senator Levin’s website.


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