Beacon House Celebrity Golf Classic Festivities Began Wednesday with Jay Feely Golf Clinic

    There was a great turn out for the clinics!

    Marquette, MI- June 21 2017- The 7th annual Beacon House Celebrity Golf Classic festivities began Wednesday morning. The day started off at 9 am with a delicious continental breakfast in The Clubhouse at the Marquette Golf Club. Once everyone was fed, NFL kicker Jay Feely and 10 PGA golf professionals began their clinics at 10 am.

    The clinic had six stations, each working on a different area of golf. The stations included were short game, chipping, mid-iron game, driving, trouble shots, and course management. Participants rotated through give of those stations, spending 20 minutes at each one enjoying the experience of learning from real pros!

    Once the rotations concluded everyone headed to lunch. With a day all about receiving instruction from the professionals, lunch was followed up by even more training with the PGA pros. Working on the new skills attendees tried out their golf game and what they learned on a few holes at the course. Then there was an award ceremony to wrap things up at the clubhouse.

    The main event for the event was the Beacon House Golf Classic Match Party. Celebrities, including Steve Mariucci and Mickey Redmond had an hour long, red carpet entry. As they all rolled in media members were able to get interviews. Beginning theroduction around 7 pm, celebrities were given their pairings for the tournament tomorrow. It was a great party with live music from Adam Agee followed with a live and silent auction hosted by former Detroit Lions head coach and foundation head, Steve Mariucci. As things started to wrap-up and people started to file out, everyone seemed to want to get a good nights sleep before the main event tomorrow morning beginning at 8 am with breakfast. Teams are expected to tee off between 10 and 10:30 am.