Decolonizing Diet Project At NMU Wrapping Up With Special Event

    Dr. Marty Reinhardt of the NMU Center for Native American Studies.

    MARQUETTE, MI – (Great Lakes Radio News) – A section of a unique food-based experiment coordinated by the Center for Native American Studies at Northern Michigan University is coming to a wrap later this month with a special event.

    The Decolonizing Diet Project, also known as the DDP, is finishing up the first phase of the experiment after one year.  The diet is based on only eating foods indigenous to the Great Lakes region prior to 1600.

    Dr. Marty Reinhardt, principal investigator of the project, joined The SUNNY Morning Show with Walt & Mike recently to discuss the project, his involvement and what is going to happen next with the findings and outcomes of the experiment.

    Reinhardt has been a so-called “100-percenter”, meaning he has consumed only the foods and fluids approved for the diet for one year.  He talked about the challenges and rewards of embracing the diet he has experienced and what some of the physical results have been.

    He also talked about the several other people who have been subjects in the experiment and how things have progressed for them over the year.

    The also told us about an interesting planned wrap-up of this portion of the experiment that involves a cook-off.  The event will be held on Saturday, March 16th at NMU and will feature contestants creating dishes from a “mystery basket” of DDP foods.  The meals will then be judged and offered up for samples foe a limited number of attendee.

    LISTEN – Dr. Marty Reinhardt on the DDP at Northern Michigan University.

    VISIT – The NMU Center For Native American Studies website.


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