U.S. Senator Debbie Stabenow Praises Great Lakes Funding In Congressional Spending Bill

    US Senator Debbie Stabenow and News Director Walt Lindala
    U.S. Senator Debbie Stabenow and News Director Walt Lindala

    Marquette, MI – (Great Lakes Radio News) – U.S. Senator Debbie Stabenow is praising new funding and support to bolster ongoing efforts to protect the Great Lakes.

    Senator Stabenow joined the SUNNY Morning Show with Walt & Mike today to discuss the end-of-year congressional spending bill, which will fund the federal government through September 2016, that includes $300 million for the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative.

    Stabenow says spending bill also directs the Army Corps of Engineers to expedite ongoing work and establish emergency procedures to prevent Asian carp from entering Lake Michigan.

    Stabenow added that the legislation includes over $1 billion in funding for the Harbor Maintenance Trust Fund.

    Senator Stabenow and Michigan’s junior U. S. Senator, Gary Peters, worked to include these investments and authorities in the bill.

    LISTEN IN – U.S. Senator Debbie Stabenow discusses Great Lakes project funding.

    VISIT – Senator Stabenow’s website.


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