Home The Sunny Morning Show Kris Kris Kyro Met Up with Marquette Creative Resident Breesa Culver For a...

Kris Kyro Met Up with Marquette Creative Resident Breesa Culver For a Good Send Off!

Breesa and Kris hangin' out!
Breesa and Kris hangin’ out!

Marquette, MI  –  May 30, 2018  –  Breesa Culver has been here in the U.P. for a few months as part of Marquette’s Creative Resident program and we finally had a chance to meet in person yesterday.

She suggested a coffee shop and that of course is one of the best places to meet for good conversation, which we had.

She has fallen in love with the U.P. (as we tend to do) and told me about her adventures and insights into this place and it’s people. She is quite a trailblazer and I enjoyed learning about her life and plans for the future.

Breesa is engaging, a great listener, a person of ponder and an all around fun personality to hang out with! She invites everyone she met (and hasn’t met yet) to feel free to contact her and I encourage you to do so!

We all know why we love the U.P. but it’s especially invigorating to hear what visitors and guests have to say. During our time together yesterday we tried to come up with excellent adjectives or statements that best describe this place. I told her I was inspired by her description of our surroundings as so bright and blue. She loved the white of the snow with the brilliant blue skies on a sunny day, and now with summer almost here, how everything is so green…and blue.

We both agreed that is is very difficult to describe what and who we are to those who haven’t experienced our unique lifestyle. We simultaneously looked left and right while we searched our minds for the right words.

Creative, Breesa Culver
Creative, Breesa Culver

Then we laughed because it IS hard to translate!

Breesa said she has loved her time here! She talked about the beauty of the land and the interesting people! Breesa has learned about sisu, culture and community (U.P. style). A wistful look replaced her ever present smile for just a moment as she realized she has to leave soon.

She described the people that live here as having quirks and oddities. I thanked her for that. It’s a wonderfully elegant and refined compliment!

I said we’re just weirdos in the woods.
It’s great to share a laugh with someone who gets us…and Breesa Culver gets us. We hugged goodbye while we were laughing, brought our empty cups to the counter and parted ways…for the moment. She’ll be back.

I say we adopt her.

The Sunny Morning Show

on Sunny FM Monday through Friday from 6 – 10


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