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Winter Picnic or Was It July? The Workday Wind Down M-F on Sunny FM

Winter Picnic..well it looked like winter. Could have been July.

Marquette, Mi.- April 18,2018

I came across an old picture the other day and decided to show you. It’s a black and white photo that perfectly captures a moment in time…some time ago. The crazy thing is I remember that day well! It was sunny, there was snow and apparently it was warm enough that hat’s were an afterthought, if a thought at all. (If you look closely you can see my beloved little dog that I could have worn as a hat in an emergency)

Considering the whack weather we’ve had I wondered if this winter picnic picture was taken in  January or July.

Who knows? Doesn’t matter really but I am curious.

My parents loved to have picnics in the winter. This is not the only scene of my family eating outdoors for no good reason other than….ok, still no good reason. We had a perfectly good kitchen to dine in, yet there we are, gathered around a picnic table… probably mere moments before a blizzard was set to swoop in!

Wait a minute. I need to be thankful for a one cotton pickin second, because I just remembered we had many winter picnics sitting in the middle of the woods…. on logs!! LOGS I say! Not a table in sight. At least for this outing we had an actual table to set our hot cocoa on.

We have old family movies where we are happily chomping on hot dogs and potatoe chips in the middle of some national forest no doubt. Chipmunks looked on with envy and hope. They were just nuts.

My point is….this…..We live in an area where we can enjoy the seasons , even if they do overlap and we celebrate all of the seasons at the same time!

So grab your swimsuit, your chook, and a couple of pasties for an outdoor picnic. Bring a coat just in case you need it.

Oh and something for the chipmunks. It’s unnerving to be stared down by something that cute.

The Workday Wind Down on Sunny FM Monday through Friday 3-7



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