Home Featured Announcements Pack A Shoe Box Upper Peninsula For A Child Overseas

Pack A Shoe Box Upper Peninsula For A Child Overseas

Operation Christmas Child Billy Graham
Operation Christmas Child Billy Graham

Upper Peninsula – October 23, 2013 – Samaritans Purse with Operation Christmas Child is celebrating 20 years of helping kids.

Your friends at Great Lakes Radio says Pack a shoe box this year for a child over-seas whose family has no funds to celebrate Christmas.
Veggie Tales teams up with Operation Christmas Child
Veggie Tales teams up with Operation Christmas Child

VeggieTales have teamed up to let kids around the world know that they are special and loved by God. Just as the new VeggieTales movie Merry Larry and the True Light of Christmas Shoebox gifts demonstrate God’s love in a tangible way and serve as an example of His greatest gift to us. It reminds us that the true meaning of Christmas is the birth of Jesus Christ.

 So pack a box today with school supplies, toys, hygiene items, or hard candy. No used items or chocolate, liquids or lotions. The Upper Peninsula is a huge collection area. Churches all across the U.P. are collecting Nov 18 thru 24.
You can also include a personal note to a boy or girl.
Relay stations this year that FEDEX will pickup and deliver to Manistique are Silver Creek in Marquette,
Munising Baptist in Wetmore, Comfort Inn in Newberry,
1st Covenant Church at the Soo, Rudyard Baptist,
Cedarville Baptist, St. Ignance Apostle Church,
Lagasco Pitstop Manistique, Grace in Gladstone,
1st Covenant of Iron Mountain, North Shore Baptist of Menominee,
Plus there are other local collection areas.
So pack a box now, for the 20th celebration of Operation Christmas Child.
Pack now, because pickup is Nov 18 thru 24.
If you have additional questions, contact the Upper Peninsula Director, Rudy Lawrence, at 906-399-7680


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