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Pastor Jeff Covers Stalemate Between North Korea and the United States on Time For Wisdom This Sunday

Tune in to hear from Pastor Jeff during Time For Wisdom on Sunny.FM 101.9

Marquette, MI –  August 10, 2017  –  Pastor Jeff returns to Sunny.FM 101.9 for another Time For Wisdom with regular guest Pastor Tony.

In a recent poll, 70% of Americans are quite concerned right now about what appears to be a pending collision between North Korea and the United States. Will this be the posturing, high trigger conflict that begins World War 3? It seems when two leaders who are quick to trade escalating insults face off, the end result is anyone’s guess. This week on Time for Wisdom, Pastor Jeff and his regular guest Pastor Tony, discuss what may very well be the fulfillment of God’s prophetic clock leading up to events foretold in scripture, including the rebuilding of the temple in Jerusalem and the demise of “Mystery Babylon”, prior to Armageddon and Christ’s return to the Mount of Olives.

Like God spared Daniel from the Lion’s Den and Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego from the furnace bin, God will spare those who are hidden in Christ Jesus.

Tune in every Sunday to Time For Wisdom from 11am – Noon, on Sunny.FM 101.9, or stream live on your smart phone or computer.

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