Home Featured Posts The Sunny Morning Show UPHS-Marquette CEO Outlines Community Benefit Report

UPHS-Marquette CEO Outlines Community Benefit Report

Tonya Darner

Marquette, MIApril 1, 2024UP Health System has released their Community Benefit Report for 2023. The annual report outlines the system’s support of both the health and economy of the Upper Peninsula.

UPHS-Marquette CEO Tonya Darner spoke about the report today with Walt Lindala on Mark & Walt in the Morning.

Darner shared some highlights from the report specific to UPHS-Marquette’s efforts to meet the growing healthcare needs of the U.P. by adding and expanding services and updating facilities and technology.

She also discussed the addition of health care providers in multiple specialties and other key aspects pertaining to both the health of U.P. residents, and the UPHS impact on the local economy.

The full report can be viewed at the hospital’s website at uphealthsystem.com.

-mediaBrew Communications News


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